One of the biggest cuisines that is popular throughout the
world is located in the East of Central Asia, China. The Asian culinary world
is what brings an impact amongst other nations due to the fact immigrants,
traditions, and other sorts of styles were incorporated throughout the years.
We people in America always look at Chinese food the way it’s prepared in the
restaurant assuming it has authenticity. We are accustomed to
“American-Chinese” which is in fact American food “Chinese Style”, but we also
forget that the Chinese cuisine and culture is far beyond the Mu Shu Pork,
General Tso Chicken, Chicken Fried Rice, etc… The Tradition of Chinese cooking
dates back centuries upon centuries stretching far back beyond 2000 B.C. As
time build, more crops and food foundations started to develop for many chefs
over the dynasty periods. Each specific cuisine within the Chinese culture has
derived from The Cantonese cuisine, Szechaun cusisine, Anhui cuisine, Shandong
cuisine, Fujian cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, Xiang (Hunan) cuisine, Zhejiang
cuisine, Xinjian cuisine, Mongolian
cuisine, Tibetan cuisine, and much more. Each cuisine has a unique contribution
to flavor, cooking, and skill. These
videos are from a series, one describing the different regions, and the other
about twi chefs who are exploring them to incorporate them in cooking.
Featuring Ken Hom, the godfather of Chinese cuisine, and Ching-He Huang who is
the leading chef of the contemporary generation, reveal the food, people,
history, and culture. We can always
learn about unique things from our past. We can always broaden our horizon to
experience and learn something new. Also keep in mind that there are more world
Chinese cuisines that exist throughout depending on the region.
Singaporean Chinese cuisine, Indonesian Chinese cuisine
Malaysian Chinese cuisine, Japanese Chinese cuisine
Korean Chinese cuisine, American Chinese cuisine, Canadian
Chinese cuisine, Caribbean Chinese cuisine, Filipino Chinese cuisine, Indian
Chinese cuisine
Pakistani Chinese cuisine, Puerto Rican Chinese cuisine,
Chifa (Peruvian Chinese cuisine)
These styles of Chinese cuisine were used by immigrants to
modify, and adapt to the local tastes and ingredients.
We also can learn from the Chinese culture that it is
therapy to heal our bodies. Dessert, Tea, etiquette, and customs are all
incorporated that we can learn from.
I encourage you to watch these videos, and then learn more
by looking up information in a book or the internet.
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